Background and purpose

It's time for Korea to shift from a catch-up economy to a leading economy.

  1. The traditional catch-up economy of advanced countries reached the limit.
  2. Countries around the world compete fiercely to secure future-leading growth engines.

SW Business Fair that opens the front line of digital transformation

  1. Since it was first held in 2016, it has grown by more than 10% every year(Number of participating companies and visitors)
  2. It has established itself as the professional international SW business exhibition with maximum localization
  3. Discovery of innovative technologies/companies and BMs including Ai, Big Data, Metaverse, and NFT

Expected effect of Soft Wave in Korea’s Software Show

  1. Creating a global market for SW and SW convergence industries that will lead the future economy
  2. Innovative technologies, services, business models, startup debuts, and market entry
  3. Testbeds of public/private R&D performance, and a place for commercialization and finding partners(It will be held simultaneously with the Ministry of Science, and ICT‘s “S/W Week” event)
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